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CELEBRATE AND CONTRIBUTE to the post-2020 Agreements, the Lima Declaration; as #AnotherWayToConserve

Writer's picture: ajuliagomezconsultajuliagomezconsult

The Celebration of Protected Areas for Latin America and the Caribbean, around October 17, 2021 is an integrating space that can also contribute from the actors involved to the post-2020 global agreements, to the Lima Declaration of the III CAPLAC and to value #OtherWaysToConserve.

What are the post-2020 global environmental agreements?

For ECLAC, the 2030 Agenda is a civilizing agenda, which puts the dignity and equality of people at the center. Being ambitious and visionary, it requires the participation of all sectors of society and the State for its implementation. It is based on the Sustainable Development Goals and is an opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean. SEE HERE

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which derives directly from the 1992 Earth Summit, together with the Kyoto Protocol, serves to prevent human interference in the climate system. With the expiry of the Kyoto Protocol in 2020, the Parties to the UNFCCC are negotiating a successor agreement on climate change (which could take the form of a protocol, another legal instrument or a legally binding outcome document) under the Convention that will apply to all Parties.

At COP 18, the inclusion of gender equality and climate change as outstanding agenda items by the COP in Decision 23/CP.18 adopted by the Parties paved the way for systematic consideration of gender equality by the Parties to the UNFCCC. At COP 20, the Parties adopted the two-year Lima Work Program on Gender with the aim of achieving a gender-sensitive climate change policy.

The next COP on the Convention on Biological Diversity will be key for protected and conserved areas. Some of the overarching issues in the "post-2020 global biodiversity framework" are:

- it should serve to raise the profile of the current biodiversity challenge, attract attention at a high political level and mobilize all stakeholders to action; - it should address the three objectives of the Convention in a balanced manner and include issues related to access and benefit sharing as well as biosafety;

- should foster strong ownership and support concrete actions and contributions to its implementation by Parties, other governments, sub-national and local governments and cities, as well as indigenous peoples and local communities, relevant international organizations, civil society organizations, women's and youth organizations, the private and financial sectors and other stakeholders.

We fundamentally bring to the Celebration of CPAs and their people in 2021 the Lima Declaration and other final documents of the III Congress of Protected Areas LAC (Lima 2019). This meeting ratified the leadership of this region to contribute significantly to the solution of global problems. Participants made a call to action to increase the commitment of all users of biodiversity so that day by day, the dimensions of nature, economy and society are reconnected through these vital terrestrial and marine areas for human survival as we know it today. Our initiative is one of the results of the III CAPLAC!

What do young leaders, 'women in conservation, communities, indigenous peoples, environmental leaders have to celebrate?

Can we reflect together on the priorities of these agreements and the need to find #OtherWaysToConserve?

Is the Celebration of Protected and Conserved Areas LAC a catalytic initiative of dialogue to facilitate the implementation of these agreements?

What is the role of national protected area systems and subnational governments, in this regard and especially in our region?

Register and send your material before September 30. Join this powerful gathering of pride for Latin America and the Caribbean on 15, 15 and 17 October 2021, with your CELEBRATION to the POS 2020 GLOBAL AGREEMENTS, to the LIMA DECLARATION and to the #OtherWaysToConserve in LAC!

FORMAT: 2 pg format, Calibri 12 font, single spacing. Also audiovisual presentation of 2 minutes in mp4, horizontal position Identity Manual

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