Together with the people and their communities, organizations, companies, enterprises and governments of Latin America and the Caribbean, let's celebrate Protected and Conserved Areas and their people, for our well-being!

It is an annual and collaborative process of integration, to value and contribute to the effective conservation of the protected and conserved areas of our region in October 17, Day of Protected and Conserved Areas for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Each year, we integrate +11,300 people from 17 countries who assess 300 areas for wellness.

For people and communities: Visibility of actions and references, access to agile and free training. Regional contact network.
Companies and ventures can expand their reach and positioning, prioritizing their efforts in conservation and sustainability, accessing a powerful network of contacts and references.
Local and international organizations find in La Celebración a platform for dialogue, positioning and greater scope for their programs, projects and challenges for our region.
Governments feel strengthened by being able to access a space for the visibility of policies and procedures, integration and support for the scope of local, regional and global challenges.
Everyone receives personalized support from the ambassadors or the management team, articulated in a shared roadmap with inspiring proposals.
Free access to spaces and products in Spanish, Portuguese and English, but especially, to a powerful dialogue platform, as a scaffold for the self-management of alliances and territorial incidence.

Annual positioning of projects, programs and other initiatives
Sessions or spaces in the Event October 17, Day of Protected and Preserved Areas LAC.
Networking - network of contacts and consolidated database
RELIVE the event
October 17, 2022