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CELEBRATE with #ART to address complexity.

Writer's picture: ajuliagomezconsultajuliagomezconsult

Participating in the ART CATEGORY of the Celebration of Protected and Conserved Areas and their People 2021 is a great opportunity to recognize the important role of art in overcoming the numbness and disconnection of people from each other and from nature. Art helps us change perspectives to make the invisible visible, it allows us to imagine alternative futures.

We need spaces to recognize the power of beauty itself, of OUR nature; to inspire compassion for other beings and a sense of responsibility for the Earth.

The crisis we are going through demands the best from all people and all sectors. We must commit ourselves to participate and demand collaboration, commitment and action in a collaborative and sustainable management of landscapes, of our livelihoods. It is no longer possible to continue without decisions that are made in an informed, participatory and inclusive manner.

The time has come to move towards "collaborative conservation, recognizing human rights; in particular, local, traditional communities and indigenous peoples, women and gender-diverse people, youth, other "old people"....

This is based on social diversity and the need for a more open and inclusive management of the needs, expectations and interests of society. To achieve such a management, it is necessary to promote a better involvement of society and facilitate strategic communication bridges that consolidate dialogue processes and messages about the need to rebuild links, to restore or regenerate biodiversity, and to recognize the relevance of protected or conserved areas and their people, for the welfare of all humanity".

People connected to the arts can help us to address this complexity, to observe and interrupt destructive patterns or stereotypes and surprise us with new ways of thinking, fostering inclusion and boosting people's innate creativity.

Let us surrender to the capacity of the arts to immerse us in this vital challenge and viscerally communicate the profound importance of natural systems and cultural diversity to promote climate awareness and sustainable values that give us a chance for an environmentally healthy future.

REGISTER your CELEBRATION in the "ART" CATEGORY, send your material before September 30 and join this powerful gathering of pride for Latin America and the Caribbean on October 15, 15 and 17, 2021.


Submit your production or artwork - a reading, audiovisual, photography, drawing or painting contest, dance, performance, artistic intervention, and more!

Explore the form at

FORMAT: Format: up to 2MG / 1.30 min long in mp4 / horizontal position / must respect the Brand Manual.

*Texto preparado especialmente para el Prólogo del Patagonia Ecofilm Fest 2021.

** Párrafo sobre Conservación Colaborativa desarrollado junto a Claudio Maretti para el Informe Planeta Protegido Álvarez Malvido, M., Lázaro, C., De Lamo, X., Juffe-Bignoli, D., Cao, R., Bueno, P., Sofrony, C., Maretti, C. y Guerra, F. (Editores). (2021). Informe

Planeta Protegido 2020: Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Ciudad de México, México; Cambridge UK; Gland, Switzerland; Bogotá, Colombia: RedParques, UNEP-WCMC, CMAP-UICN, WWF, CONANP y Proyecto IAPA

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