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Integrating protagonists to Celebrate Protected and Conserved Areas in our region

Since 2020, we convened the key actors of the III Congress of Protected and Conserved Areas (Lima 2019) , but we also strongly join communities, companies and networks to consolidate our annual process of dialogue, strengthening and contributions to the effective management of our wellness areas.

Explore and share our newsletter with news to join Protected and Conserved Areas and their people.

Our ROADMAP in 2023 and all our efforts are oriented towards the EFFECTIVE integration of people and their communities, organizations, companies and governments, who value the Protected and Conserved Areas or Well-being Areas of our region.

We prioritize the incorporation of new audiences, who enrich our goal with their vision and action: to effectively preserve the Wellness Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean.

As every June since 2020, we launch the CALL for AMBASSADORS, with a powerful profile, focused on national efforts and the process of key information.

We continue forging alliances, to continue strengthening this initiative of all.

CALL FOR AMBASSADORS -Deadline July 19, 2023-

Objective of the call

Call and select 2 outstanding ambassadors per country, who self-manage and deploy their tasks aimed at actively calling and articulating actors, together with quality information management, during the process of The Celebration of the APyC LAC in 2023.

Ambassadors have always been key figures in the APyC Celebration for LAC initiative around the Day of Protected and Conserved Areas for our region.

In 2023, the Ambassadors will have a more concrete role, in relation to the experiences of previous editions. We will focus on strengthening and positioning ambassadors, as facilitators and articulators in the territory. In addition to receiving tools and closer monitoring, 2 ambassadors per country will be selected.

The modality of the work of the ambassadors is VOLUNTARY but we are outlining options to manage remuneration.

The testimonials and participatory evaluations of previous editions show that this instance of support for the leaders and defenders of the territory is an inspiring and overcoming instance.


Registration is done by completing the following form: /nkVpRs7n5Y4obr8n9

ALLIANCES: Meetings with CMAP IUCN, UNEP, Colombia National Parks, Jungle Excursiones Náuticas and other references from different sectors.

ROADMAP to join and Celebrate in 2023

Our best products in 2023

  • Map of celebrated protected and conserved areas, self-managed on a community basis and checked by ambassadors or national leaders specially selected and trained by the initiative. This database and collaborative mapping has information on celebrated areas, contact networks and freely accessible data. List of integrated countries.

  • Annual positioning of projects, programs and other initiatives through communication products (web, social networks, newsletters, events) and insertion in agile mass training on governance, access to rights, global framework and regional challenges, IUCN programs and projects Eg: green list, zoonoses and One Health, Conservation Corridors, among others linked to the theoretical framework that we share with the III CAPLAC. This also includes proper positioning around October 17 for projects and actions.

  • Sessions or spaces in the Event October 17, Day of Protected and Conserved Areas LAC. High Level Events with national officials in one space and leaders of companies with socio-environmental responsibility in others.

  • Networking - network of contacts and consolidated database, facilitated by the initiative, between organizations, communities, governments and key companies. Agile training on "scaffolding" concepts for new audiences, to assess and contribute to the effective and participatory management of LAC protected and conserved areas (leadership, communication, management effectiveness, diversity, among others).



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